Don Kalb: Finance, Demos and Ethnos in the new old Europe


Don Kalb
Professor Sociology and Anthropology, Central European University in Budapest, Hungary and Utrecht University, Netherlands

Don Kalb’s books include Expanding Class: Power and Everyday Politics in Industrial Communities, The Netherlands, 1850-1950 (Duke University Press), 1997; (ed.) The Ends of Globalization. Bringing Society back in, (Rowman and Littlefield Publishers), 2000; (ed.) Globalization and Development: Key Issues and Debates (Kluwer Academic Publishers), 2004; (ed.) Critical Junctions: Anthropology and History beyond the Cultural Turn (Berghahn), 2005; (ed.) Headlines of Nation, Subtexts of Class: Working Class Populism and the Return of the Repressed in Neoliberal Europe, (Berghahn) 2011; and (ed.) Anthropologies of Class (Cambridge U.P) forthcoming. He is Founding Editor of Focaal – Journal of Global and Historical Anthropology.

Karen Phalet: The Children of Muslim Immigrants in School: Comparative Perspectives from Europe


Karen Phalet
Professor of Social Psychology & Education/Social Sciences, University of Leuven, Belgium and Utrecht University in Flanders

Karen Phalet’s recent work develops comparative perspectives on school diversity and ethnic inequality and on the religious identities of Muslim immigrant youth in European societies. Her current project studies the interplay of social boundaries in European schools with the social ties and identities of Muslim youth. She received her Ph.D. from the University of Leuven in 1993 and has since been the author of numerous publications in ethnic and migration studies, social psychology and sociology journals and books. She was a 2013 Society for Personality and Social Psychology Fellow. She will be with CUNY for the Spring 2015 term.

Marco Martiniello: Music and the Political Expression and Mobilisation of Second-Generation Immigrants in Urban Europe

The ARC Research Praxis Seminar Series presents a talk by Dr. Marco Martiniello: “Music and the Political Expression and Mobilisation of Second-Generation Immigrants in Urban Europe”

The ARC Research Praxis Seminar Series Presents

Marco Martiniello
Music and the Political Expression and Mobilisation of Second-Generation Immigrants in Urban Europe

Thursday, February 19, 2015
4:00pm – 6:00pm
ARC Conference Room
Room 5318.05
The Graduate Center, CUNY


Marco Martiniello, Research Director, Belgian National Fund for Scientific Research (FRS-FNRS)

Marco Martiniello received his PhD in Political Science at the European University Institute Florence and is currently the Research Director at the Belgian National Fund for Scientific Research (FRS-FNRS). He teaches Sociology and Politics at the University of Liège and at the College of Europe (Natolin, Poland). He is the director of the Center for Ethnic and Migration Studies at the University of Liège and a member of the executive board of the European Research Network IMISCOE. He has been President of the Research Committee n°31 Sociology of Migration from 2008 to 2014. He is the author, editor or co-editor of numerous articles, book chapters, reports and books on migration, ethnicity, racism, multiculturalism and citizenship in the European Union and in Belgium with a transatlantic comparative perspective. His most recent work includes An Introduction to International Migration Studies. European Perspectives (Amsterdam, Amsterdam University Press, 2012) (with Jan Rath), Penser l’Ethnicité (Liège, Presses Universitaires de Liège, 2013). His current research examines the artistic expression and participation of immigrant, ethnicized and racialized minorities in super-diverse cities and countries (Australia, South African, USA, Belgium and Italy).

Yuri Kazepov: “From Citizenship to Cit(y)zenship – Changing borders of social inclusion in Urban Europe”

The ARC Research Praxis Seminar Series Presents Yuri Kazepov: “From Citizenship to Cit(y)zenship: Changing borders of social inclusion in Urban Europe”

The ARC Research Praxis Seminar Series Presents

Yuri Kazepov
From Citizenship to Cit(y)zenship: Changing borders of social inclusion in Urban Europe

Thursday, October 23, 2014
4:00pm – 6:00pm
ARC Conference Room
Room 5318
The Graduate Center, CUNY


Yuri Kazepov
Professor of Urban Sociology and Compared Welfare Systems, University of Urbino Carlo Bo, Urbino, Italy

Yuri Kazepov is a founding member of the Network for European Social Policy Analysis (ESPAnet) and was the president of RC21, of the International Sociological Association (2010-2014). His fields of interest are urban poverty and governance, citizenship and urban inequalities, social policies in compared and multilevel perspective. On these issues he has been carrying out comparative research and evaluation activities for the European Commission and other international bodies. Among his publications in English we have (2005) Cities of Europe. Changing contexts, local arrangements and the challenge to social cohesion (ed.), (2010) Rescaling social policies towards multilevel governance in Europe; (2013) Social assistance governance in Europe: a scale perspective (with Eduardo Barberis). He received his PhD in Sociology from the University of Milan (Italy) in 1994.